Tuesday, November 6, 2012


Stress...stress...stress! That is what us college students experience throughout the semesters. Not only is school stressful but relationships, work, driving in bad traffic, family problems, ect. Overwhelmed with the pressures that are placed on us and coping may seem difficult at times. Challenges or threats to our lives are what we call stress. Stress is not always a negative thing in our lives but it can be positive and motivate us to achieve our goals. Though if it interferes with both one's physical and mental health it is no good and something needs to be done. Stress provokes for heart rate to rise, breathing to become more rapid, do not sleep, blood pressure rises, and immune system goes down. Every situation we face in life is different and the way we confront them as well. It mostly depends on the resources we have available and how we choose to deal with the situation; if our resources seem to be enough then it won't produce stress, but if they are not enough then it produces stress in our lives. It is also the way we see that stressful situation is an important factor that impacts both mental and physical health.  We decide how to interpret every situation and whether it will be harmful to us. Effects of stress can be shown through our body, behavior, and our thoughts and feelings.  Stress can be treated by any of these methods which are medication, self-help, and self management. Exercise, breathing, relaxation techniques, or a good diet can be some self-help methods to help cope with the stressful situations we have to deal in life. Stress seems to never end and it is not only college students dealing with it but everybody out there. Though certain situations seem to be out of our hands and cause stress, we can always turn it to be positive and learn from it. 

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