Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Animal Research

     The use of animals is research sounds and maybe cruel, but the knowledge gained afterwards about a certain issue can be very rewarding.  These four reasons can summarize why the need for animal research: legal or ethical restrictions prevent certain kinds of research on humans, the underlying mechanisms of behavior are similar across species and sometimes easier to study in a nonhuman species, what we learn about animals sheds light on human evolution, and we are interested in animals for their own sake.  The use of animals in research to learn how the brain functions is many times an ethical debate between abolitionists and animal researchers.  Though committees like the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee make sure to minimize pain and discomfort in specific procedures for animals.  Animals used for research are cared for and put in as little distress as possible with all the laws and regulations countries set for research to be done.  With this research can be conducted and there is medical advances which can help save many lives.  I cannot quite understand why people against animal use in research react so violently towards researchers.  All they are doing is helping to improve the lives of many others. 


  1. I agree with your post on how animal research can benefit the human race, but not all of the time are the animal subjects treated the right way. That's why the abolitionists have a problem to begin with. Although, not all animals are treated unfairly, but I can see where they are coming from. I agree it is okay for animals to be used for research benefits that outweigh the costs of the animals being hurt a little...
    You were supposed to embed a video or insert a weblink to a site that expands on your selected topic...just to let you know I think Benham will deduct points for that...just a heads up :)

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  3. I also agree that the benefits from animal research can definitely outweigh the costs. Animals should be treated fairly, but in order for there to be advances in modern science and medicine -- a very fine line between what is viewed as acceptable and unacceptable has been drawn. That's why there are minimalists and abolitionists. Although, I also do not see why some abolitionists need to act so violently against animal researchers. It's as if they behave vengefully or with retaliation in mind. It's not like these animal researchers are only out there to purposely harm these animals in some sinister manner. I believe most animal researchers if not all are working towards a greater good and are trying to make the world a better place.

  4. I have to agree with you. I am for animal testing if it brings benefit to humanity. Even the medication that has been given to animals to save their lives has to go through certain animal testing. Abolitionist have just taken it too far when it comes to animal rights. Good Blog.
