Tuesday, October 23, 2012


Gender Identity Disorder

Being a female or male helps an individual with their personality and sense of self. Though gender identity disorder is a condition in which either a male or female identifies strongly with the opposite sex. The people that suffer from this disorder often feel uncomfortable with their gender and act as the opposite sex. The person's behavior and dress are impacted by this disorder and their self image is affected as well. Those who change their physical appearance through cosmetic surgery and hormones are most commonly known as transsexuals. The cause for gender identity disorder remains unknown but there are theories that try to explain it. Theories  suggests that this disorder can be caused by genetic abnormalities, defects in human bonding, hormone imbalances, or a combination of several of these factors. This disorder is mostly recognized before people reach adolescence and it is more common in males than in females. Symptoms of gender identity disorder include disgust of their own genitals, withdrawal from social interaction, desire to become the opposite sex, dressing and behaving like the opposite sex, ect. Counseling is usually recommended to treat the individual with gender identity disorder as well as their family. The focuses of counseling are to treat the problems that are associated with this disorder which are depression and anxiety. Improving self-esteem is also another focus that counseling targets to help the individual. If an individual does not receive any type of therapy it can cause social isolation, emotional distress, and poor self-image. Which will cause the individual to no function to his/her ability and lead to problems in school or work. Not being able to identify one's self with the gender we have and wanting to be the opposite sex has become more accepting in society; but there are still people who do not accept individuals with this disorder which causes many to commit suicide. Many who suffer from this and do not have the support behind them take the easy way out. It is important for us to help those with gender identity disorder, because children are also diagnosed and them being so young do not know how to cope with the stress behind it. 

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