Tuesday, September 18, 2012


Additions go from gambling to the most common alcohol and drugs.  An addiction interferes with someone's life because of the compulsive need for the  pleasure given. Having an addiction does no good to one but rather hurts the person and everybody around them. Drugs and alcohol are amongst the most common addictions and are life threatening; which makes me wonder why the use of such harmful pleasure to one's life? Though after reading more about addictions, I came to the understanding that the pleasure that a certain drug gives decreases and one tends to go do it again in order to have the same enjoyable experience as before. Also many turn to addictions to be able to handle stress or any other problems that they may be encountering. Many times it seems impossible for a person to be able to overcome an addiction, because of the negative effects afterwards like fatigue and anxiety. Though addictions cannot be quite explained well of how it completely takes over a person's life, it is certain that the brain undergoes changes that in some ways makes it difficult to be able to quit.


  1. Your blog post and video on addiction interested me, and I liked how the video discussed how some behaviors can actually be addictive. I like how the doctor in the video divided addictive drugs and addictive behaviors into two major groups: analgesics and stimulants; and how these addictive drugs alter chemicals in the brain, creating a chemical imbalance. I agree with much of what he says, how chronic drug use and addiction can alter neurotransmitters, their pathways, and their receptor sites. I like how this alternative form of treatment doesn't require the addict to go through pharmaceutical companies or insurance companies to get the help they need.

  2. An addiction is a sad matter. It is crazy to think that our bodies are able to adapt to a certain drug and after a long period of time from using the drug the dosage needs to be higher to have an effect.

    When a person is trying to get off of drugs they go through withdrawals that can really effect them in a negative way. As the video mentioned it is good that patients who are seeking help do not need to go through pharmaceutical companies or insurance companies to receive the help they need.
